Basel III will pose a significant challenge to banks to do business: Kochhar

ICICI Bank’s MD and CEO Chanda Kochhar spoke about how the latest revision of the Basel III regulations, which looks at the capital and banking regulation guidelines.

Below is averbatim transcript of her interview on CNBC-TV18. For complete details watch the accompanying video.

Q: Will the new banking regulations pose a significant challenge to banks across the globe?

Clearly, it will impact the ability of banks to do more business given a certain amount of capital because there are going to be lower leverage ratios and maintenance of higher liquidity. The amount of business that one could do in the past with the given amount of capital will now be much less.

In the calendar year 2010, we actually saw most of that liquidity coming into the emerging markets. Therefore, we saw healthy inflows even in India. In the year 2011, you may actually see more balancing across the developed economies and emerging economies because a lack of bad news from the developed economies means that some amount of capital flows could actually just remain there.

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